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GIS Map Gallery
Income 50% Below Poverty Line
Colorado County, TX with a zoomed in focus on Eagle Lake City
Spatial analysis of visits to Jack Stack Pool
Visits of youths to Jack Stack pool in Pittsburgh, PA is represented by a multiple ring buffer which sums up the number of pool tag owners and youth population in each ring
California Earthquakes - Spatial Analysis
A spatial analysis depicting California cities at risk using buffers to show earthquakes
Geocoding Data in Allegheny County
Geocoding household hazardous waste by participants to zip codes in Allegheny County
Immigrant-run Businesses in Pittsburgh
Geocoding immigrant-run businesses to Pittsburgh streets using 2010 Census data.
Tobacco Outlets vs Demographic Study
McLennan County, TX
Police Beats in Pittsburgh
Community-oriented police officers are responsible for preventing crime and solving underlying community problems related to crime. Among other activities, these officers walk "beats," which are small networks of streets in specified areas. This map shows two digitized new polyline police beats for the city of Pittsburgh.
Housing Occupancy Dot Density Map (Owned, Rented, Vacant)
Colorado County, TX and Eagle Lake City, TX
Using GIS to track Campus Information
This map uses spatially modified features to show EMS sites, walkways, handicap parking, and parking lots.
Wood and Solar Fuel Types by US Counties
These choropleth maps explores and compares where fuel types are used throughout the country, specifically looking at wood and solar fuel types. Data from the American Community Survey was used from 5-year estimates at the county level.
Investigation of Educational Attainment in Allegheny County, PA
A census tract map and data table was imported and compares the fraction of males versus females 25 or older who have an associate college degree of higher. This data was used to determine if educational attainment is the same for both sexes.
Percent of Elderly and Youth Populations in Orange County, CA
Population density map layout comparing elderly and youth population compositions in Orange County, CA using 2010 census data.
Schools in NYC
A mapping of all K-through-12 schools including public, private, and charter schools in New York City.
Dynamic Map of Historic Buildings in Downtown Pittsburgh, PA
Here is a dynamic map for the Central Business District of Pittsburgh showing some of its historic buildings.
Population of Brazos County
2017 census data was used to map the hispanic population in Brazos County, TX.
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